Why Donate?


Even though this year is drastically different from what anyone expected, we are committed to providing an opportunity for our students to continue collaborating and performing – even in a virtual setting.  We also want to create online content that extends past our band community, providing encouragement to our school and supporting our community.  In addition, we want to include as many students as possible in this endeavor – not letting financial reasons be a deterrent to join.



Even though considerably less than the expenses typically associated the marching band season, our exploration into a virtual setting for the season will have some costs associated with it – mainly in the form of instructional staff, show shirts, and design costs.  Our main objective is to cover these reduced expenses without dipping into the existing funds within the Band Booster account.



In an effort to extend our reach in raising the amount of money to cover the expenses that would be incurred and to utilize the visible/sharable aspect of our virtual performances, we would like to find a way to collect the equivalent of 100 individual donations of $50 (this would total $5,000).  These donations could come from participants (who would typically pay $500 for marching band fees), extended family, individual businesses, alumni, etc.


To show our gratitude for any charitable donation, we would like to provide the following advertisement opportunities for our patrons:



To date, our initial virtual performances have been seen 4,463 times – combining the total number of YouTube and Facebook views.  The most recent video was shared on the Cabarrus County Schools Facebook page and getting 2,300 views by itself! 



There are multiple ways to help this season:

-  Please consider a financial contribution to this fundraising effort.

-  Please help spread the word on how family, friends, alumni, and businesses can help support this fundraising effort.

-  Please share our online content to your friends and family.



Visit our new webpage (www.nwcbands.com) and click the “Donate” button.  This will give you the chance to enter a customizable amount and designate additional information on the payment.